Posting Guidelines: This space is intended for creative, considerate, and inclusive community collaboration. Base map provided Mapbox.
Welcome to the Jasper Street Corridor Plan, a City of Decatur capacity-building initiative focused on activating Jasper Street between Pershing Road and East Lake Shore Drive. The plan will bring together multiple neighborhoods, communities, and stakeholders to find a common vision for the future of Jasper Street and the surrounding area. Over the next few months, the Jasper Street team will collect data, engage in community outreach, and develop a set of recommendations to bring this hidden gem to its full potential.
How can we help our local community and businesses thrive? How can we better connect the many neighborhoods along Jasper Street? What types of housing, transportation improvements, investments, and activities would you like to see and experience? Where would you like to see improvements? What changes can be made in the surrounding community that would enhance Jasper Street? What would add vibrancy and identity to the Corridor?
Drag icons onto the map to add comments, upload photos, and explain ideas. Also, spread the word. The more voices, the more possibilities we can discover and uncover, together!