Welcome: The Village of Lake Bluff is updating its Comprehensive Plan and laying out a vision for its future. To develop this vision, we want to hear from you! Tell us what you love about Lake Bluff, what you'd improve, and what ideas you have. Your feedback will help inform the policies and actions of the Lake Bluff Comprehensive Plan.
Instructions: To add comments and ideas, simply drag and drop the icon markers located at the top of the page on to the map. Click the "Activity" tab or any pin to view others' comments!
Next steps: Tell a friend! Learn more and get involved by subscribing for updates on the plan website.
Posting Guidelines: This space is intended for creative and considerate community collaboration. Please be respectful and constructive with comments. The views, information, or opinions expressed herein are those of the contributor and do not necessarily represent those of the Village of Lake Bluff.